
Negativity towards APBA ...lack to update or promote races
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Author:  Hounddog [ March 28th, 2023, 7:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Negativity towards APBA ...lack to update or promote races

The topic has been talked about for several years....occasionally CBF gets included in the discussion. Why doesn’t APBA up date some classes with 4 stroke motors? Why don’t they promote races instead of leaving it up to the clubs? Why are there no new entry level classes?
Why are there no driving schools ? There are other organizations on a smaller scale doing a better job.
First off both APBA and CBF are under the governing body..UIM. So there are limitations and restrictions on what they can do. Big brother is watching. Is there outside influences that play a role in what happens....yes. But there are advantages to being part of the large world wide organization. Security in knowing you will have insurance every year and support when needed are very important.
CBF and TORC can only be as good as the people working within the organization. Problem has always been the same. Too few people doing the majority of the work! We have had individuals and groups in the past who will promote and basically run the organizations for a fee. Others start their own separate organizations . One has been very successful in Quebec.
In Ontario we don’t need to look at the bigger picture. We need to focus on what happens here. I won’t speak about the stock outboard classes because I have never been in any of those classes. I will talk about OPC classes. TORC has been very supportive over the last 16 years with the UIM T Class being introduced into CBF in 2006. The specifications for the boat and motor rules allow for a wide variety of makes and horsepower within the class. APBA currently has no class with this wide a range. In Europe they run several T classes based on different size motors and boats. Those classes are successful in some countries and not run in others. Even T750 and T850 are getting smaller in numbers.
We are lucky to have good organizations in place and they need to be supported. OPBRA hopefully will return . They are a great group as well.

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