
How-to Rule Changes
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Author:  Andrew4ce [ November 6th, 2012, 4:58 pm ]
Post subject:  How-to Rule Changes

Rule Change How-to

I get asked many times how to make rule changes to the CBF Rule Books. Here is a basic run down.

1a. Add a new rule:
Say I think everyone should have their blood type on their helmet. This is not in the rules currently. I read the rules and find the appropriate area in the rules for a rule like this. I feel this would be in rule section 14 “Safety”… the next free rule is 14-X. I then write my proposal/motion:
New Rule Proposal by Andrew Fralick, CBF member #12110

New Rule:
I make the motion that rule 14-X be added to the Stock Outboard Rule book and read as follows:
(14-X) * All drivers must have their blood type listed in 20 mm high block font on the left side of the helmet near the base of the helmet. Colours of font are to be highly contrasting with the colour of the helmet in this area. Format is to be “BLOOD:” then the letter code for the type of blood.

I feel this is simple information to get and could save someone’s life.

1b. Make changes to an existing rule:
Say I think we need more boats on the water… I think we should be allowed to run 14 boats at time. I read the rules and find the appropriate area in the rules. Weights are covered in rule section 14, number boats are covered in rule 14-S. I write my proposal/motion:
Rule Change Proposal by Andrew Fralick, CBF member #12110

Current Rule:
(14-S) * The race committee must limit the number of hydroplanes or runabouts starting in a closed course heat to twelve (12) or less.

Proposed Rule:
(14-S) * The race committee must limit the number of hydroplanes or runabouts starting in a closed course heat to fourteen (14) or less.

I feel there is plenty of room on the track and more boats make a better show. Don’t like it, grow a pair!

1c. Delete an existing rule:
Say I think using bungee cord is fine for my engine tie down. I want rid of rule 14-D. I write my proposal/motion:

Rule Deletion Proposal by Andrew Fralick, CBF member #12110

Delete Rule:
(14-D) * The use of shock cord or elastic rope as a motor tie down is prohibited.

Bungee cords have come a long way… they are now made of super-duper rubber and totally safe.

2. Once your proposal is done:
You email or fax or snail mail this to the Outboard Racing Commission (currently Erik Luksep is the ORC VP) I’d say at least 30 days prior the CBF ORC AGM date (usually called the Convention). The reason you should send this in prior is because items sent in prior get placed on the official meeting agenda. And anything on the agenda gets covered prior asking the floor if they have anything to submit. If you do it from the floor, the meeting might run out of time and you will not be able to present. It also makes the meeting run much smoother. Less time is wasted.

3. At the Meeting
In the meeting when your turn comes up on the agenda, you read off your motion and reason why you think this is a good idea. The chair of the meeting will then ask if there is a seconder for the motion. If there is not, you proposal is dead. If there is discussions continue.

Once the discussions are complete, a vote takes place. Normally, out of courtesy only people affected by the rule vote, but technically anyone that is a CBF member for the category in question as a driver, owner or official can vote. Currently run outboard categories are Stock/Mod/Pro Outboard, ThunderCat, and Outboard Drag.

4. After the meeting
If your vote passed, after the meeting all rules changes get sent to CBF BOD for final approval. Generally they only take a second look at things they deem to be of a safety issue. They can override items passed in the meeting they think are unsafe.

All CBF rule changes made this winter would be for the 2013 season. (In APBA they would be for the 2014 season)

- I’m guessing the meetings for all Outboard categories will take place on February 23 at the club house.
- If you have 10 rules you want changed… make 10 separate proposals/motions.
- Currently there are 2 rule books for every class… the CBF General Racing Rulebook (GRR) and the Category Rule Book. The GRR covers more basic things and far reaching rules. If you want to change a GRR, this has to be presented to the CBF BOD and affects every category and class of CBF racing. It’s a bigger deal. It is easiest to make an exception to the GRR rule in your category rules if this is appropriate.
- If you show up at the meeting and have no idea where your rule change goes… you’ll likely get stopped there unless you explain why (ie maybe it fits in two areas and you were not sure which is best). We don’t have time to hunt for where it goes in the meeting. Talk to your fellow racers or executive prior the meeting and get it sorted out.
- Make it easy on everyone and make a few copies to hand around, especially if it is a wordy or technical rule.
- If your change causes lots of effort or cost by racers… maybe think about putting a time delay in the rule motion. If this is for 2013… make the rule say “Effective 2015…” Then people have some time to get ready for it.

I hope that clears things up for some. If anyone has any questions, I’m glad to help or offer advice. I no longer hold any executive positions, but I’ve got lots of experience at this.

Author:  DoktorC [ November 6th, 2012, 7:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How-to Rule Changes

Good info Andrew. Thanks!!

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