I think the drag group does for the most part have their own crew of items ...
The drag course is set by drag racers with their own markers
The start boat is provided by a drag racer
The start boat is run by drag racers
The finish line is run by drag racers
Scoring is done by drag racers
Tech is done by drag racers
As for the TORC executive committee .... I was originally nominated as Drag Rep. and the first race following that nomination someone else was named the race representative for the drag class. Not sure what else a person can do when that happens.
Not being confrontational here what so ever , just stating what I have been a part of whether it is a simple misunderstanding or otherwise
Assistance is always an issue in all forms of racing but I know for certain that without the help of the racers themselves and or husbands/wives of racers then we'd have nearly no one. It is hard to drum up volunteers for sure. Let's hope we can make this a positive move for the future of outboard racing for everyone to continue to enjoy and draw newcomers as well